Navigate to your campaign, and hover over the verticle three dots on your original, either static or video to see the file menu as per the example below:

Select Download CSV.  Open the CSV file, we would recommend opening the file in Excel to add your data fields. The file will typically look as follows:

The top line of the spreadsheet is the columns that correspond with the editable fields in ReMake. You will find both text and media layers here.

Alongside each text layer, you will find a font column. This column will allow you to switch out fonts that you have uploaded to your asset library. To do this, you can simply copy and paste the name of the font as it appears in your Fonts folder in the Asset Library.

The next column you see represents the ability to turn layers off within your ReMake. If you would like to turn layers off, simply input data into the text/media column and then place a in the disable column. This will instruct ReMake to turn off this layer.

When it comes to replacing media layers within your CSV, we advise that you upload your replacement media to the Asset Library in a new folder and then simply copy and paste the name of the font as it appears in the Asset Library.

Before you save and carry on, please take a look at our tips that will best prevent you from receiving any error messages below as well as at the bottom of this guide:

  • In order for ReMake to initiate line breaks in your text, you will have to use the following 2 characters into your CSV: \r 

  • In order for ReMake to work with commas, you will have to place the following 2 characters into your CSV = \, 

  • Ensure to save your CSV as a UTF-8 document

Once you are happy with your CSV, please save and navigate back to ReMake and the original content. Hover over the file and this time select Create from CSV.

Drag or select the CSV file here and click Next.

A Lightbox appears as follows:

Click Upload x ReMakes. A progress bar appears.

Click Done and your ReMakes are now created.

IMPORTANT, at this stage video ReMakes are created but are not yet published as new ReMakes.  

The platform automatically opens the Edit bulk screen to review your new creations.  Here you can review and make any amends to all of the new ReMakes.  

From this point, there are a few options.  

Render your Bulk content

If you are already happy with your content, follow these next steps. If you have any amends skip onto Editing your bulk video ReMakes. Select the checkbox next to each ReMake and click Add selected to Queue. 

Click the Play icon to render the new ReMakes

Editing your bulk video ReMakes

If you need to make any edits to the ReMakes. Click the chevron next to the Ready to Remake text to expand the selected ReMake. Amend any individual fields and click Update.

It’s also possible to update multiple ReMakes in bulk. Make any desired amends to all the ReMakes, then select the relevant ReMakes by clicking the checkbox next to each relevant ReMake. 

Click Update selected. This will now amend all of the selected ReMakes.  To navigate back to this screen at any time, hover over the chevron on the original asset and select Edit Bulk. 

Here are some additional tips for using the bulk feature: 

  • We recommend using excel to edit any CSV files. 

  • Ensure to save your CSV as a UTF-8 document.

  • Remove any full stops in replacement media names.

  • Every edit layer cell must have data filled in. If you leave these blank, your upload process will produce an error.

  • Remember that column A in the CSV file will be the new titles of the new ReMakes. 

  • When adding replacement media to layers, always ensure that the exact name of the file is copied from the Asset Library. Please do the same for replacement fonts.

  • If you have changed the name of your media in the Asset Library, you may receive an error when uploading your CSV. We advise that you do not rename media within the Asset Library.